Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Dark Side of Rory Mellor.

..........................................................My next Victim. She sits on the back row.
Four Seats Away.
8 1/2 Feet Away.
One Big leap Away.
I go home that night and Facebook Stalk her.
Looking at all of her pictures.
All of the pictures her friends and family have tagged her in.
All of the pictures of her in her two peice pink Billa-Bong Bikini.
I search all of the messages she has written on people's walls.
She has had this facebook for a couple years, so searching all the messages takes some time.
Finally, I see something she wrote on her Aunt's wall.
" Hey Aunt Holly! I just got back from my trip like, three days ago and had realized that my water bottle spilled on the drive back and I didn't notice that my phone was soaking in the water the whole drive back so it is totally ruined! Anyway, my new number is 435-555-5555!"
.......I Call her
.................Then I just
.....................Hang up when she answers.
.........................And it really is effective.


  1. You know, your kind of a sick minded freak.
    Just so ya know. Have a great day Rory.
